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Finding Your Hair's Porosity

Updated: Sep 13, 2023

Four simple tests to help you find your porosity.

As we've touched on in this article, hair porosity refers to the ability of the hair shaft to absorb and retain moisture. Put simply, understanding your hair porosity is important as it can help you determine the best routine, and product line-up for your hair. That being said, figuring out how to find your own porosity can be a little overwhelming for curly newcomers. In this article, we'll touch briefly on four tests you can use to help you determine your hair porosity: the float test, the elasticity test, the slip and slide test, and the hydration test. Using a combination of these tests, you should be able to categorize your porosity with some confidence, and find a good starting point for building and tweaking your dream routine. So, let's get dive in below!

1. The Float Test

What is the Float Test?

The float test is a simple and quick way to determine the porosity of your hair. The basic principle is that hair strands with low porosity will float on top of water, while those with high porosity will sink. The test is done by filling a glass with room temperature water and then taking a strand of hair from your head and placing it in the water. You then observe how the strand behaves and determine your hair porosity based on the results.

How to do the Float Test

You'll need:

  • A glass of room temperature water

  • A strand of hair from your head


  1. Fill a glass with room temperature water.

  2. Take a strand of hair from your head and gently place it in the water.

  3. Observe how the strand behaves and determine your hair porosity based on the results:

    • If the strand floats on top of the water, your hair has low porosity.

    • If the strand sinks to the bottom of the glass, your hair has high porosity.

    • If the strand floats somewhere in the middle of the glass, your hair has medium porosity.

2. The Elasticity Test

What is the Elasticity Test?

The elasticity test is a simple and quick way to determine the porosity of your hair. The basic principle is that hair with high porosity will have less elasticity and be more prone to breakage, while hair with low porosity will have more elasticity and be more resistant to breakage. The test is done by gently pulling a strand of hair from your head and observing how it behaves.

How to do the Elasticity Test

You'll need:

  • A strand of hair from your head


  1. Take a strand of hair from your head and gently pull it between your thumb and forefinger.

  2. Observe how the strand behaves and determine your hair porosity based on the results:

    • If the strand stretches easily and returns to its original length, your hair has high elasticity and low porosity.

    • If the strand stretches but doesn't return to its original length, your hair has medium elasticity and medium porosity.

    • If the strand breaks easily, your hair has low elasticity and high porosity.

3. The Slip and Slide Test

What is the Slip and Slide Test?

The slip and slide test is a simple and quick way to determine the porosity of your hair. The basic principle is that hair with high porosity will have a slippery texture, while hair with low porosity will have a more sticky texture. The test is done by running your fingers down a strand of hair from your head and observing how it feels.

How to Do the Slip and Slide Test

You'll need:

  • A strand of hair from your head


  1. Take a strand of hair from your head and gently run your fingers down it.

  2. Observe how the strand feels and determine your hair porosity based on the results:

    • If the strand feels slippery and your fingers glide down it easily, your hair has high porosity.

    • If the strand feels sticky and your fingers catch on it, your hair has low porosity.

4. The Hydration Test

What is the Hydration Test?

The hydration test is a simple and quick way to determine the porosity of your hair. The basic principle is that hair with high porosity will absorb moisture quickly and easily, while hair with low porosity will have trouble retaining moisture. The test is done by wetting a strand of hair from your head and observing how it behaves.

How to do the Hydration Test

You'll need:

  • Your gorgeous head of hair (yes, you!)

  • A spray bottle filled with water


  1. Gently spray/mist water onto your hair.

  2. Observe how the strand behaves and determine your hair porosity based on the results:

    • If the strand quickly and easily absorbs the water, your hair has high porosity.

    • If the strand takes a long time to absorb the water or doesn't absorb it at all, your hair has low porosity.

    • If the hair absorbs the water moderately, it means that you have medium porosity hair.

Why Knowing Your Hair Porosity Matters

While there are many factors to consider when caring for your curls, knowing your hair porosity can be a great first step in helping you make better decisions about how your routines and what products to use. With the right care and products, you can keep your curls looking their best. Keep in mind that the float test, elasticity test, slip and slide test, and hydration test, will not be 100% accurate, but can (when analyzed together) help you determine your hair's porosity as a starting point. From there, you can apply the appropriate routines and products, and adjust as you go!


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